
姓  名: CHEE LEONG TAN 性  別: 导师类型: 硕士生导师
技术职称: 教授 电子邮箱: cheelong@gmail.com
学术型硕士招生学科: (080903)微电子学与固体电子学
专业型硕士招生类别(领域): (085403)集成电路工程


Professor Dr. Chee Leong Tan obtained BEng and M.Sc degrees from the University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia, in 2005 and 2007, respectively. From Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology, Republic of Korea, he received his PhD Degree in applied physic in 2013 under the Korea IITA full scholarship. From 2013 to 2015, he was postdoctoral in Advanced Photonic Research Institute in the Republic of Korea.  He has been a postdoctoral in BISOL, Northwestern University in 2015-2018, working on the development of room operating temperature of extremely low noise high-efficiency III-V SWIR camera for ground operating Keck ground telescope in Hawaii. He is a senior lecturer in Photonic Research Centre, University Malaya, from 2018-2020.  He is a member of IEEE, SPIE, and OSA. 


Dr. Chee Leong Tan has rich experience in the research of III-V semiconductor optoelectronic devices, including nano/micro-processing, characterization analysis, theoretical calculation, involving devices including laser diodes, photoelectric sensors, solar cells, etc.; For the past five years, applicants have focused on enhanced 2D semiconductor photodetector sensors and formed an array integrated into the III-V short-wavelength infrared camera. Before joining Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, is the PI and CO- PI in two important scientific research grant in Malaysia (Total: RMB 11.12 million), demonstrating his outstanding scientific research capabilities. His current research interests include fundamental and applied aspects of nano/micro-scale fabrication as well as materials and patterning techniques for semiconductor and photonic devices, with an emphasis on solving the fundamental problem of the new semiconductor device and fabrication processing. 


Professor Dr. Tan's current research is on nano/micro-scale fabrication for semiconductor and photonic devices such as a hybrid organic-based photodetector array for a wide "field of view" camera system. Several nanostructures such as subwavelength grating and plasmonic nanostructures are implemented into the organic-based photodetectors to enhance the photodetection performance. The graduate student who interested will have the rare chance to learn the standard basic semiconductor device fabrication process which is fundamental for all the commercial semiconductor device manufacturing industry. The current project will not just depend on fabrication but also on the design and measurement of the fabricated device. Different unique nanostructures characteristic is designed and measure the optical and electrical properties before implemented in the real structures. 


