
姓  名: 靳雷生 性  別: 导师类型: 硕士生导师
技术职称: 教授 电子邮箱: jinls@njupt.edu.cn
学术型硕士招生学科: (080903)微电子学与固体电子学
专业型硕士招生类别(领域): (085403)集成电路工程


2015年10月毕业于英国Swansea大学,工程学院(多学科纳米技术研究中心),纳米技术专业(Nanotechnology),PhD,2012年国家建设高水平大学公派博士研究生。目前在微电子系从事教学科研工作,副教授,主持包含国家自然科学基金,江苏省自然科学基金,中国博士后基金(面上一等资助)和特别资助在内的多项科研项目,第一作者发表高水平论文多篇,包含Nano Energy, IEEE EDL, APL, OL, IEEE JQE, IEEE Communications等。


研究方向:1. 新型纳光机电器件与系统(MEMS/NEMS, Opto-electro-mechanical systems)2. 非线性动力学及其应用;3. 机器学习在非线性动力学、微电子等领域的应用。

1. Leisheng Jin, Zhao Hao, Li Zhi, Jiang Zongqing, Lijie Li and Yan Xiaohong, Nonlinear dynamic control of GaAs nanomechanical resonators using lasers, Nanotechnology, 32(29),295502,2021

2. Leisheng Jin, Li Zhi, Jiang Zongqing, Lijie Li, Dynamical characteristics of the piezotronic ZnO nanowire device in ballistic transport and its MEMS/NEMS resonator hybrid, Journal of Applied Physics 129, 194501 (2021)

3. Jin, Leisheng*, Li, Lijie, Zhao, Jiang, Wang, Debo, Optical sensing interface based on nano-opto-electro-mechanical systems, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL, 295,pp: 374-379 (2019); 

4. Leisheng Jin, Xiaohong Yan, Xiangfu Wang, Weijun Hu, Yan Zhang, and Lijie LiDynamic model for piezotronic and piezo-phototronic devices under low and high frequency external compressive stresses, Journal of Applied Physics 123, 025709 (2018); featured

5. Leisheng Jin, Lei Ying, Xiaohong Yan, An Optical-Driven Quantum Shuttle: Modeling, Dynamics and Controllability, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 54, 1 (2018); 

6. Jin Leisheng; Li, Lijie, Quantum simulation of ZnO nanowire piezotronics, Nano Energy 15, 776-781 (2015)

7. Jin Leisheng, Li Lijie, Optical driven electromechanical transistor based on tunneling effect, Optics Letters 40, 8, pp. 1798-1801 (2015)

8. Jin Leisheng; Li Lijie, A Novel Mass Sensor Based on Nanomechanical Transistor, IEEE Electron Device Letters 36, 1, pp. 68-70 (2015)

9. Jin Leisheng; Li Lijie, Surface stress on three-terminal vibrational nanomechanical transistor, Applied Physics Letters 105, 18, 183507 (2014)

10. Jin Leisheng; Mei Jie; Li Lijie, Chaos control of parametric driven Duffing oscillators, Applied Physics Letters 104, 13, 134101 (2014)

11. Jin Leisheng, Zhang Yan, Li Lijie, One-to-Many Chaotic Synchronization with Application in Wireless Sensor Network, IEEE Communications Letters 17 9, pp. 1782-1785 (2013)


