
姓  名: 王金元 性  別: 导师类型: 硕士生导师
技术职称: 副教授 电子邮箱: jywang@njupt.edu.cn
学术型硕士招生学科: (081000)信息与通信工程
专业型硕士招生类别(领域): (085400)电子信息



发表论文及申请专利:在包括IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in CommunicationsIEEE Transactions on Wireless CommunicationsIEEE Transactions on CommunicationsIEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems等国际顶级期刊在内的刊物和国际会议上发表论文140余篇。提交国家专利申请10余项。


学术兼职:(1) 担任工业和信息化部教育与考试中心专家库专家、全国研究生教育评估监测专家、广东省自然科学基金通讯评审专家、江苏省科技咨询专家、南京市科技咨询专家、全国本科毕业论文(设计)抽检评审专家库专家等;(2) 担任KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems、电子与信息学报、空天技术、河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)、电讯技术等期刊编委;(3) 担任Sensors专题编辑,Frontiers in Signal Processing客座编辑;(4) 担任多个国际会议的Workshop Chair Track ChairSession ChairTPC-Co ChairPublicity Chair(5) 担任AMTEI 2022等会议的Keynote Speaker(6) 担任IEEE ICCIEEE GlobeCOM等多个国际会议的TPC Member(7) 担任IEEE JSAC, IEEE TCOM, IEEE TVT等多个国内外期刊的审稿人。

获奖情况:(1) 获中国通信学会科技奖三等奖(排一);(2)获江苏省通信学会科技奖二等奖(排一);(3) ISA Global SSL Award of Innovations Top 100(排一);(4) 指导的硕士生获硕士研究生国家奖学金江苏省优秀硕士学位论文南京邮电大学优秀硕士学位论文等奖项;(5) 指导的本科生获全国挑战杯江苏省省赛三等奖等奖项;(6) 多次获电子与信息学报、电讯技术、光通信研究等期刊优秀审稿专家称号。





(1) 二十篇顶级期刊代表作

[1] Jin-Yuan Wang, Yang Ma, Rong-Rong Lu, Jun-Bo Wang, Min Lin, and Julian Cheng, “Hovering UAV-based FSO communications: Channel modeling, performance analysis, and parameter optimization,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2021, 39(10): 2946-2959. 

[2] Jin-Yuan Wang, Hong Ge, Min Lin, Jun-Bo Wang, Jianxin Dai, and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, “On the secrecy rate of spatial modulation-based indoor visible light communications,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2019, 37(9): 2087-2101.

[3] Jin-Yuan Wang, Pei-Fei Yu, Xiao-Tao Fu, Jun-Bo Wang, Min Lin, Julian Cheng, and M.-S. Alouini, “Secrecy-capacity bounds for visible light communications with signal-dependent noise,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023, 22(11): 7227-7242.

[4] Jin-Yuan Wang, Xian-Tao Fu, Rong-Rong Lu, Jun-Bo Wang, Min Lin, and Julian Cheng, “Tight capacity bounds for indoor visible light communications with signal-dependent noise,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2021, 20(3): 1700-1713. 

[5] Jin-Yuan Wang, Cheng Liu, Jun-Bo Wang, Yongpeng Wu, Min Lin and Julian Cheng, “Physical-layer security for indoor visible light communications: Secrecy capacity analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2018, 66(12): 6423-6436.

[6] Jin-Yuan Wang, Hao-Nan Yang, Jun-Bo Wang, Min Lin, and Peicheng Shi, “Joint optimization of slot selection and power allocation in integrated visible light communication and sensing systems,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023, 10(24): 22415-22426.

[7] Jin-Yuan Wang, Jianxin Dai, Rui Guan, Linqiong Jia, Yongjin Wang, Ming Chen, “Channel capacity and receiver deployment optimization for multi-input multi-output visible light communications,” Optics Express, 2016, 24(12): 13060-13074.

[8] Sheng-Hong Lin, Youyun Xu, and Jin-Yuan Wang, “Coverage analysis and optimization for high-speed railway communication systems with narrow-strip-shaped cells,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020, 69(10): 11544-11556.

[9] Sheng-Hong Lin, Youyun Xu, Lei Wang, and Jin-Yuan Wang, “Coverage analysis and chance-constrained optimization for HSR communications with carrier aggregation,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022, 23(9): 15107-15120.

[10] Ming Cheng, Jun-Bo Wang, Hua Zhang, Jin-Yuan Wang, Min Lin, and Julian Cheng, “Impact of finite-resolution precoding and limited feedback on rates of IRS based mmWave networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022, 71(5): 5172 - 5186.

[11] Sheng-Hong Lin, Youyun Xu, and Jin-Yuan Wang, “Coverage analysis for cell-free massive MIMO high-speed railway communication systems,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022, 71(10): 10499-10511.

[12] Min Lin, Qingquan Huang, Tomaso de Cola, Jun-Bo Wang, Jiangzhou Wang, Mohsen Guizani, and Jin-Yuan Wang, “Integrated 5G-satellite networks: A perspective on physical layer reliability and security,” IEEE Wireless Communications, 2020, 27(6): 152-159.

[13] Fan Yang, Jun-Bo Wang, Ming Cheng, Jin-Yuan Wang, Min Lin, and Julian Cheng, “A partially dynamic subarrays structure for wideband mmWave MIMO systems,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2020, 68(12): 7578-7592.

[14] Ming Cheng, Jun-Bo Wang, Julian Cheng, Jin-Yuan Wang, and Min Lin, “Joint scheduling and precoding for mmWave and Sub-6GHz dual-mode networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020, 69(11): 13098-13111.

[15] Jun-Bo Wang, Hui Yang, Ming Cheng, Jin-Yuan Wang, Min Lin, and Jiangzhou Wang, “Joint optimization of offloading and resources allocation in secure mobile edge computing systems,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020, 69(8): 8843-8854.

[16] Jun-Bo Wang, Junyuan Wang, Yongpeng Wu, Jin-Yuan Wang, Min Lin, and Jiangzhou Wang, “A machine learning framework for resource allocation assisted by cloud computing,” IEEE Network, 2018, 32(2): 144-151.

[17] Bingcheng Zhu, Julian Cheng, Jun Yan, Jin-Yuan Wang, Lenan Wu, Yongjin Wang, “A new asymptotic analysis technique for diversity receptions over correlated lognormal fading channels,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2018, 66(2): 845-861.

[18] Bingcheng Zhu, Julian Cheng, Yongjin Wang, Jun Yan, and Jin-Yuan Wang, “Three-dimensional VLC positioning based on angle difference of arrival with arbitrary tilting angle of receiver,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2018, 36(1): 8-22.

[19] Yinlu Wang, Ming Chen, Jin-Yuan Wang, Jianfeng Shi, Zhaohui Yang, Yijin Pan, and Rui Guan, “Impact of LED transmitters’ radiation pattern on received power distribution in a generalized indoor VLC system,” Optics Express, 2017, 25(19): 22805-22819.

[20] Jun-Bo Wang, Qin Su, Jiangzhou Wang, Min Feng, Ming Chen, Bin Jiang, Jin-Yuan Wang, “Imperfect SCI based joint resource allocation in multirelay OFDMA networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2014, 63(8): 3806-3817.

(2) 代表性专著

[1] Jin-Yuan Wang, et al., “Chapter 8: Fundamental Analysis for Visible Light Communication with Input-Dependent Noise,” Optical Fiber and Wireless Communications, InTech Book Publisher, June 21, 2017. 

[2] Jin-Yuan Wang, “Visible Light Communications,” InTech Book Publisher, July 26, 2017. (Book Editor) 

(3) 代表性科研项目 

[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,面向工业物联网的可见光短包通信基础理论及优化方案研究,2025.01-2028.12,编号:62472233,主持;

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于波束成形的可见光安全传输技术研究,2018.1-2020.12,编号:61701254,主持;

[3] 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,室内可见光通信的隐蔽传输基础理论研究,2022.7-2025.6,编号:BK20221328,主持;

[4] 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目,室内可见光通信的物理层安全技术研究,2017.7-2020.6,编号:BK20170901,主持;

[5] 国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作研究项目,广域覆盖毫米波大规模MIMO无线传输理论与技术研究,2018.1-2022.12,编号:61720106003,参与;

[6] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于到达角度差的精确光定位方法研究, 2019.1-2021.12,编号:61803211,参与 

[7] 国家863高技术研究发展计划项目,可见光通信系统关键技术与评估方法,2013.1-2015.12,编号:2013AA013601,参与;

[8] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,支持大量可拉远天线单元即插即用的智能基站研究,2013.1-2016.12,编号:61372106,参与;

[9] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,多跳蜂窝网中的分布式无线资源分配技术研究,2012.1-2014.12,编号:61102068,参与;

[10] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于空间调制的室内可见光通信理论与技术研究,2016.1-2019.12,编号:61571115,参与。

(4) 已授权专利

[1] 王金元,朱建霞,王俊波,王永进,光空间调制通信系统中LED个数任意时的比特映射方法,专利号:ZL201710363164.4

[2] 王金元,王永进,黄鸿基,周行洲,项彤,张雨,吴浩,一种环境监测智能可见光通信系统及方法,专利号:ZL201710300061.3

[3] 王金元,邱宇,刘成,林生红,王俊波,一种确定及对抗室内可见光通信不安全区的方法,专利号:ZL201810716693.2

[4] 黄鸿基,王金元,周行洲,项彤,吴浩,张雨,王永进,一种基于遗传算法优化的RBF神经网络的环境污染监测系统,专利号:ZL201710091916.6

[5] 王金元,黄博,林生红,戴建新,一种基于可见光通信的电梯广告自动播放装置,专利号:ZL201821501630.7

[6] 王金元,盛啸,王京京,应超然,林生红,基于红外感应开关的智能二维码支付系统,专利号:ZL201920666732.2

[7] 王金元,陈雨,何芊芊,林生红,可自动调节光质配比的LED植物补光灯系统,专利号:ZL201920628315.9

[8] 林生红,王金元,一种由压力传感器控制广告播放的电梯,专利号:ZL201921766179.6


