
姓  名: 笪海霞 性  別: 导师类型: 硕士生导师
技术职称: 教授 电子邮箱: eledah@njupt.edu.cn
学术型硕士招生学科: (080901)物理电子学
专业型硕士招生类别(领域): (085400)电子信息


笪海霞,南京邮电大学,电子科学与工程学院,教授 本科毕业于南京师范大学(物理教育专业),获理学学士学位;在苏州大学获得凝聚态物理专业硕士和博士学位。博士毕业后先后在新加坡高性能研究所,新加坡南洋理工大学化学系和新加坡国立大学电子与计算机工程系从事博士后的研究工作。2015年以高层次人才加盟南京邮电大学电子科学与工程学院。2016年入选江苏省特聘教授和江苏省“六大人才高峰”。2018年被评为校鼎山学者。主要从事低维材料光与磁光学效应的研究,包括负折射率材料、多铁材料、石墨烯以及拓扑绝缘体等。近年来在国际重要学术期刊上发表SCI论文50余篇,包括Nano Energy、J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 、Carbon、Physics Review系列等。


二、研究方向: 研究方向为新型二维材料的电子学,光子学和磁光子学特性。研究内容主要涉及:石墨烯材料的负折射效应、石墨烯磁光效应的内在机理与性能改善;二维材料过渡金属硫化物磁光效应的产生条件以及机理研究;拓扑绝缘体的光学性质的研究。 

三、承担的主要科研项目: (1)国家自然科学基金面上项目,NSFC11774179,2018/01-2021/12,在研,主持。 (2)江苏省特聘教授,2016年,在研,主持。 (3)江苏省“六大人才高峰”资助项目,JNHB-060,2016.9-2019.9,在研,主持。 (4)江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,BK20161513,2016.7-2019.6,在研,主持。 (5)南京邮电大学校级重大重点项目负责人培育项目,在研,主持。 (6)南京邮电大学高层次人才启动基金,在研,主持。



(1)  Haixia Da*, Qi Song, Huapeng Ye and Xiaohong Yan, Nonreciprocal photonic spin Hall effect of magnetic Weyl semimetals, Appl. Phys. Lett. 119(8), 081103 (2021).

(2) Haixia Da, Qi Song, Hongwei Dai, Peng Dong, Qiaoliang Bao, Huapeng Ye, Yipeng An, Jing Chen, Yandong Guo, Xiangfu Wang and Xiaohong Yan, Electrically Controllable Magneto-Optic effects in Two-dimensional Hexagonal Organometallic Lattice, Phys. Rev. B 101(3), 035423 (2020).

(3) Haixia Da, Qi Song, Peng Dong, Huapeng Ye and Xiaohong Yan, Control of Spin and Valley Hall Effects in Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides by Magnetic Proximity Effect, J. Appl. Phys. 127(2), 023903 (2020).

(4) Da, Haixia ; Gao, Lei; An, Yipeng; Zhang, Haiyan; Yan, Xiaohong, Cavity-Induced Enhancement of Magneto-Optic Effects in Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Advanced Optical Materials, 2018.1.22, 2018 (201701175)
(5) Da, Haixia ; Gao, Lei; Ding, Weiqiang; Yan, Xiaohong , Nonreciprocal giant magneto-optic effects in transition-metal dichalcogenides without magnetic field, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2017.8.17, 8(16): 3805~3812 
(6) Da, Haixia ; Ding, Weiqiang; Yan, Xiaohong, Magneto-optical manifestation of bilayer silicene, Applied Physics Letters, 2017.4.3, 110(14) 141105 
 (7) Da, Haixia ; Yan, Xiaohong ,Identification of trivial and nontrivial Insulators Identification of trivial and nontrivial insulators: Enhanced lateral shift in topological insulator-based cavity, Journal of Applied Physics, 2016.9.29, 120 (125308) 
 (8) Da, Haixia ; Yan Xiaohong, Metamaterials in multilayer graphenephotonics: Control of negative refraction , Carbon, 2016.4, 100: 74~80 
 (9) Da, Hai-Xia ; Yan, Xiao-hong, Faraday rotation in bilayer graphene-based integrated microcavity , Optics Letters, 2016.1.1, 41(1): 151~154 
 (10) Da, Haixia ,Controlled transport on the surface of a topological insulator by biased transverse electric field , EPL, 2015.8, 111(3) 3009 
 (11) Da, Haixia ; Bao, Qiaoliang; Sanaei, Roozbeh; Teng, Jinghua; Loh,Kian Ping; Garcia-Vidal, Francisco J.; Qiu, Cheng-Wei , Monolayer graphene photonic metastructures: Giant Faraday rotation and nearly perfect transmission , Physical Review B, 2013.9.5, 88(20) 5199~5211 
 (12) Da, H. X. ; Li, Zhenya; Sun, L. Z.,Electric and Magnetic Manipulation in Graphene Absorption by the Electric Field , Journal ofComputational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2013.3, 10(3): 515~520 
 (13) Da, Haixia ; Lam, Kai-Tak; Samudra, G.; Chin, Sai-Kong; Liang, Gengchiau , Graphene Nanoribbon Tunneling Field-Effect Transistors With a Semiconducting and a Semimetallic Heterojunction Channel , IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2012.5, 59(5): 1454~1461 
 (14) Da, Haixia ; Lam, Kai-Tak; Samudra, Ganesh S.; Liang, Gengchiau ; Chin, Sai-Kong, Influence of contact doping on graphene nanoribbon heterojunction tunneling field effect transistors , Solid-State Electronics, 2012.11, 77: 51~55 
 (15) Da, Haixia ; Qiu, Cheng-Wei, Graphene-based photonic crystal to steer giant Faraday rotation , Applied Physics Letters, 2012.6.11, 100(24) 241106 
 (16) Da Haixia ; Hong Mei Jin; Kok Hwa Lim; Valeri Ligatchev; Man-Fai Ng; Khoong Hong Khoo; Shuo-Wang Yang ,Half metal↔semiconductor reversible switch in bimetallic sandwich molecular wire via redox reactions , Nano Energy, 2012.3, 1(2): 297~302 
 (17) Da, Haixia ; Feng, Yuan Ping; Liang, Gengchaiu, Transition-Metal-Atom -Embedded Graphane and Its Spintronic Device Applications , Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011.11.24, 115(46): 22701~22706 
 (18) Da, Haixia ; Liang, Gengchiau, Enhanced Faraday rotation in magnetophotonic crystal infiltrated with graphene , Applied Physics Letters, 2011.6.27, 98(26) 3906 
 (19) Da, Haixia ; Jin, Hong Mei; Lim, Kok Hwa; Yang, Shuo-Wang ,Half-Metallic Spintronic Switch of Bimetallic Sandwich Molecular Wire via the Control of External Electrical Field , Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010.12.16, 114(49): 21705~21707 
 (20) Da, Hai-Xia ; Huang, Zi-Qiang; Li, Zhen-Ya, Magneto-optical enhancement in magnetophotonic crystals based on cholesteric liquid crystals ,Journal of Applied Physics, 2010.9.15, 108(6) 390665 
 (21) Da, Hai-Xia ; Huang, Zi-Qiang; Li, Z. Y. ,Electrically controlled optical Tamm states in magnetophotonic crystal based on nematic liquid crystals, Optics Letters, 2009.6.1, 34(11): 1693~1695 
 (22) Da, Hai-xia ; Huang, Zi-qiang; Li, Z. Y. ,Voltage-controlled Kerr effect in magnetophotonic crystal , Optics Letters, 2009.2.1, 34(3): 356~358 
 (23) Da, Hai-Xia ; Wu, J. C.; Li, Z. Y.,Magnetic-controlled negative refraction in ferromagnetic nanowires composite , Modern Physics Letters B, 2009.7.10, 23(17): 2141~2147 
 (24) Da, Haixia ; Jin, Hong Mei; Yang, Shuo-Wang ; Lim, Kok Hwa,Effect of Uniaxial Strain on the Electrical and Magnetic Property of a One-Dimensional Bimetallic Sandwich Molecular Wire (FeCpVCp)(infinity) , Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009.12.24, 113(51): 21422~21427 
 (25) Da, H. X. ; Xu, P.; Wu, J. C.; Li, Z. Y.,Electrically controlled Kerr effect in magnetophotonic crystals based on nematic liquid crystals , Journal of Applied Physics, 2008.8.1, 104(3) 844 
 (26) Da, H. X. ; Li, Z. Y. ,Optical magnetoelectric effect induced by a moving medium , Physical Review B, 2007.7, 76(1) 012409 
 (27) Da, H. X. ; Wu, J. C.; Li, Z. Y. ,Polarization-independent directional anisotropic optical effect in magnetophotonic crystal , Applied Physics Letters, 2007.10.22, 91(17) 165210 
 (28) Da, H.X. ; Xu, C. ; Li, Z.Y.,Omnidirectional reflection from one-dimensional quasi-periodic photonic crystal containing left-handed material, Physics Letters A, 2005.10.3, 345(4–6): 459~468 
 (29) Da, HX ; Xu, C; Li, ZY; Kraftmakher, G, Beam shifting of an anisotropic negative refractive medium , Physical Review E, 2005.6, 71(6) 066612 
 (30) Da, HX ; Xu, C; Li, ZY,Magneto-optical effect of left-handed material , European Physical Journal B, 2005.6, 45(3): 347~353 
 (31) Da, H.X. ; Xu, C. ; Li, Z.Y.,Negative refractive index of layered nonmagnetic/ magnetic composites , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2005.1, 285(1–2): 155~163 

1. Changwei Zhang, Ye Hong, Zhengyang Li and Haixia Da*, Giant and Controllable Goos-Hänchen Shift of Monolayer Graphene Strips Enabled by Multilayer Dielectric Grating Structure. Appl. Opt. 61(3), 844-850 (2022).

2. Ye Hong, Zhengyang Li, Changwei Zhang and Haixia Da*, Tunable and Enhanced Goos-Hänchen Shifts in Monolayer Graphene based Metallic Grating Structure. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 39(1), 402-407 (2022).

3. Yongtao Li and Haixia Da*, Magneto-optic effects of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides induced by Rashba spin-orbit coupling, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 521(1), 167511 (2021).

4. Qi Song and Haixia Da*, Tunable and enhanced photonic spin Hall effect of a superconductor film. Opt. Commun. 499, 127275 (2021).

5. Peng Dong, Jie Cheng, Haixia Da* and Xiaohong Yan, Spin Hall effect of transmitted light for graphene-silica aerogel photonic crystal in terahertz region, Opt. Commun. 485, 126744 (2021).

6. Xiaodong Du and Haixia Da*, Large and controlled Goos-Hanchen shift in monolayer graphene covered multilayer photonic crystals grating, Opt. Commun. 483, 126606 (2021).

7. Yang Yu and Haixia Da*, Broadband and Perfect Absorption of Monolayer MoS2 with Octonacci Quasi-photonic Crystal, Physica B 604, 412684 (2021).

8. Peng Dong, Jie Cheng, Haixia Da* and Xiaohong Yan, Controlling photonic spin Hall effect in graphene-dielectric structure by optical pumping, New J. Phys. 22, 113007 (2020).

9. Hongwei Dai, Qi Song and Haixia Da*, Enhanced Faraday rotation in proximitized monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, Nanotechnology 31(46), 465202 (2020).

10. Tingwei Li, Haixia Da*, Xiaodong Du, Jingjing He and Xiaohong Yan, Giant enhancement of Goos–Hänchen shift in graphene-based dielectric grating, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53(11), 115108 (2020).

11. Jianqi Nong, Haixia Da*, Qian Fang, Yang Yu and Xiaohong Yan, Perfect absorption in transition metal dichalcogenides-based dielectric grating, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51(37), 375105 (2018).

   12. Qian Fang, Haixia Da*, Jianqi Nong, Tingwei Li and Xiaohong Yan, Identification of graphene layers by dielectric grating: giant enhancement of visibility, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35(35), 3039-3043 (2018).


