
姓  名: 吕鹏 性  別: 导师类型: 硕士生导师
技术职称: 副教授 电子邮箱: lvp@njupt.edu.cn
学术型硕士招生学科: (080300)光学工程
专业型硕士招生类别(领域): (085400)电子信息



主持国家自然科学基金1项,江苏省自然科学基金1项,江苏省高校自然科学基金1项,校级自然科学基金2项,人才启动基金1项; 参与过国家自然科学基金5项,国防973专项2项,教育部重点与重大项目2项。

发表SCI论文60余篇,其中第一/通讯作者20篇; 发明专利8项;


担任:中国复合材料学会 导热复合材料专业委员会 委员;《ACS Nano》、《Carbon》、《Composites Part B》、《Nanoscale》、《RSC Advances》等期刊的审稿人



1. 高功率电子器件热管理及热管理材料

2. 柔性储能电池及电极

3. 电子皮肤触觉传感

4. 光纤/电池原位实时传感检测


1. 主持 国家自然科学基金青年基金:碳纳米管“捆绑”石墨烯的超耐压三维结构及其高导热复合材料的研究;

2. 主持 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目:高弹性高导热石墨烯泡沫的制备及其导热机理的研究;

3. 主持 江苏省高校自然科学基金:导热/隔热可转换的智能界面材料的制备及研究;

4. 主持 校人才引进项目:高性能三维多孔石墨烯基复合电极的制备及储能机理研究;

5. 主持 校自然科学基金:石墨烯基高导热材料的制备及性能研究;

6. 主持 校自然科学基金:氮掺杂三维多孔石墨烯对电极的制备及光电性能研究;

三、发表论文 第一/通讯作者发表论文

[1] Peng Lv*, Haiquan Cheng, Chenglong Li, Wei Wei. Graphitized-rGO/polyimide aerogel as the compressible thermal interface material with both high in-plane and through-plane thermal conductivities. Materials 2021, 14, 2350.

[2] Peng Lv*, Haipeng Miao, Chenglong Ji, Wei Wei. Highly compressible graphene aerogel with high thermal conductivity along both in-plane and through-plane directions. Mater. Res. Express 2021, 8, 045608.

[3] Peng Lv*. Highly compressible graphene/polypyrrole aerogel for superelastic pseudocapacitors. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 2018, 26, 23-29.

[4] Peng Lv*, Tang Xun, Wei Wei. Graphene/MnO2 aerogel with both high compression-tolerance ability and high capacitance, for compressible all-solid-state supercapacitors. RSC Advances 2017, 7, 47116

[5] Peng Lv*, Xun Tang, Ruilin Zheng, Xiaobo Ma, Kehan Yu, Wei Wei. Graphene/polyaniline aerogel with superelasticity and high capacitance as highly compression-tolerant supercapacitor electrode. Nanoscale Research Letters 2017, 12, 630

[6] Peng Lv*, YaruWang, Chenglong Ji, Jiajiao Yuan. Superelastic graphene aerogel/poly(3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene)/MnO2 composite as compression-tolerant electrode for electrochemical capacitors. Materials 2017, 10, 1353.

[7] Peng Lv*, Xun Tang, Jiajiao Yuan, Chenglong Ji. Highly compressible reduced graphene oxide/polypyrrole/MnO2 aerogel electrodes meeting the requirement of limiting space. Materials Research Express 2017, 4, 115602.

[8] Peng Lv, XW Tan, KH Yu, et al. Super-elastic graphene/carbon nanotube aerogel: A novel thermal interface material with highly thermal transport properties. Carbon 2016, 99:222-228

[9] Peng Lv, KH Yu, XW Tan, et al. Super-elastic graphene/carbon nanotube aerogels and their application as a strain-gauge sensor. RSC Advances 2016, 6(14): 11256-11261

[10] Xiaowen Tan, Peng Lv*, Kehan Yu, Yiwen Ni, Yunxiang Tao, Weitao Zhang, Wei Wei*. Improving the cyclability of lithium–sulfur batteries by coating PPy onto the graphene aerogel supported sulfur. RSC Adv., 2016, 6(51), 45562–45568

[11] Peng Lv, YY Feng, P Zhang, et al. Increasing the interfacial strength in carbon fiber/epoxy composites by controlling the orientation and length of carbon nanotubes grown on the fibers. Carbon 2011, 49(14):4665-4673.

[12]. Peng Lv, YY Feng, P Zhang, et al. Carbon fabric-aligned carbon nanotube/MnO2/conducting polymers ternary composite electrodes with high utilization and mass loading of MnO2 for super-capacitors. J. Power Sources 220(2012):160-168.

[13]. Peng Lv, P Zhang, YY Feng, et al. High-performance electrochemical capacitors using electrodeposited MnO2 on carbon nanotube array grown on carbon fabric. Electrochimica Acta, 78(2012):515-523.

[14]. Peng Lv, P Zhang, F Li, et al. Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes grown on carbon fabric with high rate capability for super-capacitors. Synthetic Metals, 162(2012):1090-1096.

[15]. Peng Lv, Feng YY, XQ Zhang, et al. Recent progresses in application of functionalized graphene sheets. Sci China Tech Sci 53(2010):2311-2319.

[16] Detao Zhu, Haihui Pu, Peng Lv, Zhijia Zhu, Conghao Yang, Ruilin Zheng, Zhongyue Wang, Chunxiao Liu, Ertao Hu, Jiajin Zheng, Kehan Yu, Wei Wei, Liangyao Chen, Junhong Chen. Healing of reduced graphene oxide with methane+ hydrogen plasma. Carbon 2017, 120, 274-280.

[17] Zheng Bo, Huachao Yang, Peng Lv, Jiajing Qian, Kehan Yu, Ganhua Lu, Wei Wei, Jianhua Yan, Kefa Cen. Covalently interconnected carbon nanotubes for enhanced charge transport in pseudocapacitors. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics 2015, 252(10): 2236-2244.

[18] Ruilin Zheng, Zhongyue Wang, Peng Lv, Ye Yuan, Ying Zhang, Jiajin Zheng, Wei Wei. Novel Synthesis of Low Hydroxyl Content Yb3+-Doped Fluorophosphate Glasses with Long Fluorescence Lifetimes. Journal Of the American Ceramic Society 2015, 98(3): 861-866.

[19] Yiwen Ni, Ruilin Zheng, Xiaowen Tan, Peng Lv, Jie Yang, Dan Song, Kehan Yu, Wei Wei. A fluorophosphate glass-ceramic electrolyte with superior ionic conductivity and stability for Na-ion batteries. Journal Of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3(34): 17558-17562.

[20] Ruilin Zheng, Qi Zhang, Kehan Yu, Chunxiao Liu, Jiayong Ding, Peng Lv, Wei Wei. Continuous tunable broadband emission of fluorphosphate glasses for single-component multi-chromatic phosphors. Optics Letters 2017, 42 (20), 4099-4102.

[21] Ruilin Zheng, Xingyu Zhou, Ye Yang, Qiaoyu Wu, Peng Lv, Kehan Yu, Wei Wei. Effects of heat treatment on Na-ion conductivity and conduction pathways of fluorphosphate glass-ceramics. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2017, 471, 280-285.

[22] Yue Wang, Xiaoliang Shen, Ruilin Zheng, Haitao Guo, Peng Lv, Chunxiao Liu. Optical planar waveguides in photo-thermal-refractive glasses fabricated by single- or double-energy carbon ion implantation. Opt. Eng. 2018, 57 (1), 6.

[23] Qifeng Zhu, Xiaoliang Shen, Ruilin Zheng, Peng Lv, Haitao Guo, Weinan Li, Chunxiao Liu. Waveguiding structures in Yb3+-doped phosphate glasses by double-energy proton and single-energy carbon-ion implantations. Materials Research Express 2018, 5 (1).

[24]. W Feng, MM Qin, Peng Lv, et al. A three-dimensional nanostructure of graphite intercalated by carbon nanotubes with high cross-plane thermal conductivity and bending strength. Carbon 2014, 77, 1054-1064

[24]. LW Peng, YY Feng, Peng Lv, et al. Transparent, conductive, and flexible multiwalled carbon nanotube/graphene hybrid electrodes with two three-dimensional microstructures. J. Phys. Chem. C 116(2012) 4670-4978.

[25]. HM Chen, Y Li, YY Feng, Peng Lv, et al. Electrodeposition of carbon nanotube/carbon fabric composite using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide for high performance capacitor. Electrochimica Acta, 60(2012):449-455.

[26]. YY Feng, WT Hou, XQ Zhang, Peng Lv. Highly Sensitive Reversible Light-Driven Switches Using Electrospun Porous Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide Nanofibers. J. Phys. Chem. C 115(2011) 3956-3961.

[27]. YY Feng, Peng Lv, XQ Zhang, et al. Selective electroless coating of palladium nanoparticles on metallic single-walled carbon nanotube. Appl Phys Lett 2010, 97:083101.

[28]. XQ Zhang, YY Feng, Peng Lv, et al. Enhanced reversible photoswitching of azobenzene-functionalized graphene oxide hybrids. Langmuir 26(2010) 18508-18511.


1. 一种导热隔热性能转转换的界面材料,CN 111574968 B, 2020,5,22,吕鹏, 季成龙,韦玮,余柯涵。

2. 一种制备高质量石墨单晶的方法, CN 104775147 B, 2017.02.22, 余柯涵,韦玮,吕鹏

3. 具有高导热性能的泡沫石墨烯热界面材料的制备方法, CN 104445173A, 2015.03.25, 吕鹏,韦玮,余柯涵,谈晓文,沈骁

4. 一种可压缩锂硫电池电极材料及其制备方法, CN 104900884 A, 2015.09.09, 吕鹏,刁煜,徐慧,汤厚睿,谈晓文

5. 一种可压缩的石墨烯/导电聚合物复合电极材料及其制备方法,CN 108133837 A,2018.06.08,吕鹏,汤勋,韦玮


