2005 —至今,山东大学控制科学与工程学院,硕博连读
2005.9 ~ 2007.7,硕士研究生,模式识别与人工智能专业,导师:林家恒教授
2007.9 ~ 至今,博士研究生,控制理论与控制应用专业,导师:张焕水教授
1999年7月—2003年10月, 于南京泰创电子有限公司任MIS(管理信息系统)组组长。任职期间主要负责公司管理信息系统的维护和开发。工作期间利用Visual Foxpo实现了生产管理、库存管理系统,以及基于C语言编写了利用网络分析仪测试表面声波滤波器的程序。
主要成果:发表和录用论文10篇,第一作者论文4篇,其中包括IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing期刊论文1篇 (08年SCI影响因子3.352),2篇EI源期刊论文,1篇EI源会议论文。
[1] Xingbo Wang, Minyue Fu, and Huanshui Zhang. “Target tracking in wireless sensor networks based on the combination of KF and MLE using distance measurements,” IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing. (To be published,08年SCI影响因子:3.352).
[2] Xingbo Wang, Huanshui Zhang, Xiangyuan Jiang, and Yawei Yang. “Target tracking based on the extended H infinity filter in wireless sensor networks,” Journal of Control Theory and Application. 9(4), 2011.(EI: 20114814558752).
[3] Xingbo Wang, Huanshui Zhang and Xiangyuan Jiang “Collaborative Target Tracking in WSNs Based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Kalman Filter”, 30th Chinese Control Conference, 4946-4951. (EI: 20113914369566)
[4] Xingbo Wang, and Huanshui Zhang, “Collaborative Target Tracking in WSNs Using the Combination of Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Kalman Filter,” Journal of Control Theory and Application. (EI源刊). (已录用).
[5] Xiaotao Wang, Xingbo Wang. Quadrature Doppler Ultrasound Signal Denoising Based on Matching Pursuits with Different Time-Frequency Dictionaries. International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 2007. ICMA 2007. 2298-2303(EI: 2007511097958, ISTP: BGX87)
[6] Xiaotao Wang, Xingbo Wang. Noise reduction for doppler ultrasound signal based on matching pursuits with different time-frequency dictionaries. 2007 1st International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, ICBBE, 2007, 880-883. (EI: 20074310885291)
[7] Xiaotao Wang, Xingbo Wang. FPGA Based Parallel Architectures for Normalized Cross-Correlation. 2009 First IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, 2009. pp.225-229 (EI: 20102212964094)
[8] Xiangyuan Jiang, Yawei Yang, Xingbo Wang, and Huanshui Zhang “Experimental research of path loss models for zigbee wireless sensor networks, ” Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), 2010: 1429 – 1433. (EI: 20104313325860)
[9] Shengnan Dong, Xiaotao Wang, and Xingbo Wang, A Novel High-Speed Parallel Scheme for Data Sorting Algorithm Based on FPGA. Proceedings of the 2009 2nd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP'09, 2009. (EI: 20100212631211, ISTP: BQE82)
[10] 姜向远, 张焕水, 王伟, 王邢波. IR-UWB能量检测接收机中基于门限的TOA估计,电子与信息学报,2011, 33(6).