
姓  名: 朱佳 性  別: 导师类型: 博士生导师
技术职称: 教授 电子邮箱: jiazhu@njupt.edu.cn
学术型博士招生学科: (081000)信息与通信工程
专业型博士招生类别(领域): (085400)电子信息
学术型硕士招生学科: (081000)信息与通信工程,(081001 )通信与信息系统(中外合作办学)
专业型硕士招生类别(领域): (085400)电子信息


朱佳,2005年毕业于河海大学计算机科学与技术专业获工学学士学位,2010年4月毕业于南京邮电大学信号与信息处理专业获工学博士学位,并荣获江苏省优秀博士学位论文奖,同年7月受邀到美国史蒂文斯理工学院从事博士后研究工作,2012年11月至今受聘于南京邮电大学,2013年7月晋升为副教授。 长期从事无线通信与网络方面的教学与科研工作,在IEEE TCOM/TWC/TSP/TVT等国际通信领域权威刊物上发表学术论文20余篇。相关研究成果得到了国内外同行的广泛引用和肯定,获Google学术引用累计500余次。承担了多项国家自然科学基金项目和江苏省自然科学基金项目,并获得江苏省科学技术二等奖1项、江苏省优秀毕业设计指导教师二等奖1项。


研究方向:主要研究认知无线电、协作通信、多用户MIMO、超密集蜂窝、异构无线网络融合等未来无线移动通信理论及关键技术。 出版的学术专著: [1] Y. Zou and Jia Zhu, Physical-Layer Security for Cooperative Relay Networks, Berlin: Springer- Verlag, 2016. (ISBN: 978-3-319-31174-6) 代表性学术论文: [1] Jia Zhu, Y. Zou, B. Champagne, W.-P. Zhu, and L. Hanzo, Security-reliability trade-off analysis of multiple-relay aided decode-and-forward cooperation systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 5825-5831, Jul. 2016. [2] Jia Zhu and Y. Zou, Cognitive network cooperation for green cellular networks, IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 849-857, Mar. 2016. [3] Jia Zhu, Y. Zou, G. Wang, Y.-D. Yao, and G. K. Karagiannidis, On secrecy performance of antenna selection aided MIMO systems against eavesdropping, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 214-225, Jan. 2016. [4] Y. Zou, Jia Zhu, X. Wang, and L. Hanzo, A survey on wireless security: Technical challenges, recent advances and future trends, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 104, no. 9, pp. 1727-1765, Sept. 2016. [5] Y. Zou, Jia Zhu, X. Li, and L. Hanzo, Relay selection for wireless communications against eavesdropping: A security-reliability tradeoff perspective, IEEE Network, accepted to appear. [6] Y. Zou, Jia Zhu, L. Yang, Y.-.C. Liang, and Y.-D. Yao, Securing physical-layer communications for cognitive radio networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 48-54, Sept. 2015. [7] Y. Zou, Jia Zhu, X. Wang, and V. Leung, Improving physical-layer security in wireless communications through diversity techniques, IEEE Network, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 42-48, Jan. 2015. [8] Y. Zou, Jia Zhu, and R. Zhang, Exploiting network cooperation in green wireless communication, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 999-1010, Mar. 2013. [9] Y. Zou, Jia Zhu, B. Zheng, and Y.-D. Yao, An adaptive cooperation diversity scheme with best- relay selection in cognitive radio networks, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 58, no. 10, pp. 5438-5445, Oct. 2010. [10] Y. Zou, B. Zheng, and Jia Zhu, Outage analysis of opportunistic cooperation over Rayleigh fading channels, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 3077-3085, Jun. 2009. [11] Jia Zhu, Y. Zou, and B. Zheng, Cooperative detection for primary user in cognitive radio networks, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2009, 12 pages, 2009. [12] Jia Zhu, B. Zheng, and Yulong Zou, Detection time analysis for the multiple-user cooperative spectrum sensing scheme in cognitive radio networks, Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 1915-1925, Oct. 2009.