
姓  名: 桂冠 性  別: 导师类型: 博士生导师
技术职称: 教授 电子邮箱: guiguan@njupt.edu.cn
学术型博士招生学科: (081000)信息与通信工程
专业型博士招生类别(领域): (085400)电子信息
学术型硕士招生学科: (081000)信息与通信工程
专业型硕士招生类别(领域): (085400)电子信息


桂冠,IEEE Fellow (2024), IET Fellow (2023), AAIA Fellow (2023), 南京邮电大学教授、博士生导师、入选全国高校黄大年式教师团队 (2017)、江苏省双创团队 (2019)、江苏特聘教授 (2016)、江苏省高层次创新创业人才 (2016)、江苏省六大高峰人才 (2018)、江苏省333高层次人才 (2021)、日本学术振兴会 (JSPS) 特别研究员 (2012-20142018)、南京市中青年高级人才 (2018)、南京青年五四奖章 (2018)。先后承担军委科技委、总装预研、工信部重大专项、国家自然科学基金、日本文部省自然科学基金、华为科技项目等20余项。在IEEE COMST, JSAC, TWC, TIFS, TVT, IoT, TCCN等高水平期刊发表论文200余篇,其中ESI高被引论文20篇,ESI热点论文8篇12次获国际会议最佳论文奖 (如IEEE ICC 2014, IEEE VTC 2014-Spring, IEEE ICC 2017,Ucom 2023),授权国家发明专利18件,荣IEEE通信学会海因里希赫兹奖 (2021),科睿唯安全球高被引学者 (2021-2023), IEEE车载技术协会(VTS)杰出讲师(2022-2024)斯坦福大学全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(2021-2023),Elsevier中国高被引学者 (2020-2023),IEEE通信学会会员与全球活动贡献奖 (2018),IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology最佳编委奖 (2019),KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems杰出期刊服务奖 (2020), 中国指挥与控制学会技术发明一等奖 (2023),江苏省科技奖三等奖 (2021),第十届中国江苏人才创新创业大赛三等奖 (2022) , 中国电子学会第九届优秀科技工作者。先后担任IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Physical Communication, 通信学报等多个期刊编委/区域编委。担任ICCT 2023, MeditCom 2023, DSA 2023, ICCC 2023, PRAI 2022, IEEE VTC 2022-Fall, ICGIP 2022, EuCNC&6G Summit 2022, IEEE VTC 2021-Fall, IEEE WCNC 2021, Mobimedia 2020WiMob 2020ISNCC 2020ICCC 2020 VTC 2020-SpringPIMRC 2019等国际会议主席或论坛主席。近几年来研究兴趣:人工智能、深度学习、计算机视觉、电磁频谱认知、辐射源识别、智能通信、智能物联网等。欢迎乐观开朗、思维敏捷、积极向上、立志为国防科技、智能通信和智能物联网等6G关键技术研发的同学报考。联系邮箱:guiguan@njupt.edu.cn, Google学者:http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=bhWOdtAAAAAJ&hl=en,IEEE Xplore: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37590883700,个人主页: https://www.scholat.com/greatin



联系邮箱:(1) guiguan@njupt.edu.cn;  (2) guitohoku2009@gmail.com



[1] G. Gui, M. Liu, F. Tang, N. Kato, and F. Adachi, 6G: Opening new horizons for integration of comfort, security and intelligence, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 126–132, Oct. 2020.

[2] G. Gui, Z. Zhou, J. Wang, F. Liu, and J. Sun, Machine learning aided air traffic flow analysis based on aviation big data, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 4817–4826, May 2020.

[3] G. Gui, H. Sari, and E. Biglieri, A new definition of fairness for nonorthogonal multiple access, IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 1267–1271, May 2019.

[4] X. Fu, G. Gui, Y. Wang, T. Ohtsuki, B. Adebisi, H. Gacanin, F. Adachi, Lightweight automatic modulation classification based on decentralized learning,  IEEE Trans. Cogn. Commun. Netw., vol. 8. no. 1, pp. 57-70, March 2022.

[5] J. Wang, G. Gui, T. Ohtsuki, B. Adebisi, H. Gacanin, and H. Sari, Compressive sampled CSI feedback method based on deep learning for FDD massive MIMO systems, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 9, pp. 5873-5885, Sept. 2021.

[6] Y. Wang, G. Gui, H. Gacanin, T. Ohtsuki, O. A. Dobre, and H. V. Poor, An efficient specific emitter identification method based on complex-valued neural networks and network compression, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications  ., vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 2305–2317, Aug. 2021.

[7] Y. Wang, G. Gui, T. Ohtsuki, and F. Adachi, Multi-task learning for generalized automatic modulation classification under non-Gaussian noise with varying SNR conditions, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 3587–3596, June 2021.

[8] S. I. Popoola, B. Adebisi, M. Hammoudeh, G. Gui, and H. Gacanin, Hybrid deep learning for botnet attack detection in the internet of things networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 4944–4956, Jun. 2021.

[9] J. Wang, M. Liu, J. Sun, G. Gui, H. Gacanin, H. Sari and F. Adachi, Multiple unmanned aerial vehicles deployment and user pairing for non-orthogonal multiple access schemes,   IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1883–1895, Mar. 2021.

[10] J. Sun, G. Gui, H. Sari, H. Gacanin, F. Adachi, Aviation data lake: using side information to enhance future air-ground vehicle networks, IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 40–48, Mar. 2021.

[11] Cheng Cheng, Liang Guo, Tong Wu, Jinlong Sun, Guan Gui, Bamidele Adebisi, Haris Gacanin, Hikmet Sari, Machine-Learning-Aided Trajectory Prediction and Conflict Detection for Internet of Aerial Vehicles. IEEE Internet Things J. 9(8): 5882-5894 (2022).

[12] Ruijie Zhao, Guan Gui, Zhi Xue, Jie Yin, Tomoaki Ohtsuki, Bamidele Adebisi, Haris Gacanin, A Novel Intrusion Detection Method Based on Lightweight Neural Network for Internet of Things. IEEE Internet Things J. 9(12): 9960-9972 (2022).

[13] Jinhui Ning, Guan Gui, Yu Wang, Jie Yang, Bamidele Adebisi, Song Ci, Haris Gacanin, Fumiyuki Adachi, Malware Traffic Classification Using Domain Adaptation and Ladder Network for Secure Industrial Internet of Things. IEEE Internet Things J. 9(18): 17058-17069 (2022).

[14] Yu Wang, Guan Gui, Haris Gacanin, Bamidele Adebisi, Hikmet Sari, Fumiyuki Adachi, Federated Learning for Automatic Modulation Classification Under Class Imbalance and Varying Noise Condition. IEEE Trans. Cogn. Commun. Netw. 8(1): 86-96 (2022).

[15] Guanghui Fan, Jinlong Sun, Guan Gui, Haris Gacanin, Bamidele Adebisi, Tomoaki Ohtsuki, Fully Convolutional Neural Network-Based CSI Limited Feedback for FDD Massive MIMO Systems. IEEE Trans. Cogn. Commun. Netw. 8(2): 672-682 (2022).

[16] Xixi Zhang, Haitao Zhao, Hongbo Zhu, Bamidele Adebisi, Guan Gui, Haris Gacanin, Fumiyuki Adachi, NAS-AMR: Neural Architecture Search-Based Automatic Modulation Recognition for Integrated Sensing and Communication Systems. IEEE Trans. Cogn. Commun. Netw. 8(3): 1374-1386 (2022).

[17] Yuchao Chen, Jinlong Sun, Yun Lin, Guan Gui, Hikmet Sari, Hybrid N-Inception-LSTM-Based Aircraft Coordinate Prediction Method for Secure Air Traffic. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. 23(3): 2773-2783 (2022).

[18] Haitao Zhao, Jiawen Tang, Bamidele Adebisi, Tomoaki Ohtsuki, Guan Gui, Hongbo Zhu, An Adaptive Vehicle Clustering Algorithm Based on Power Minimization in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 71(3): 2939-2948 (2022).

[19] Pengyu Wang, Yufan Cheng, Binhong Dong, Guan Gui, Binary Neural Networks for Wireless Interference Identification. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 11(1): 23-27 (2022).

[20] Yang Peng, Pengfei Liu, Yu Wang, Guan Gui, Bamidele Adebisi, Haris Gacanin, Radio Frequency Fingerprint Identification Based on Slice Integration Cooperation and Heat Constellation Trace Figure. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 11(3): 543-547 (2022).

[21] Yongjun Xu, Guan Gui, Haris Gacanin, Fumiyuki Adachi, A Survey on Resource Allocation for 5G Heterogeneous Networks: Current Research, Future Trends, and Challenges. IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials 23(2): 668-695 (2021).

[22] Yue Xiu, Jun Zhao, Chau Yuen, Zhongpei Zhang, Guan Gui, Secure Beamforming for Multiple Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces Aided mmWave Systems. IEEE Commun. Lett. 25(2): 417-421 (2021).

[23] Jie Wang, Miao Liu, Jinlong Sun, Guan Gui, Haris Gacanin, Hikmet Sari, Fumiyuki Adachi, Multiple Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicles Deployment and User Pairing for Nonorthogonal Multiple Access Schemes. IEEE Internet Things J. 8(3): 1883-1895 (2021).

[24] Yu Wang, Guan Gui, Haris Gacanin, Tomoaki Ohtsuki, Octavia A. Dobre, H. Vincent Poor, An Efficient Specific Emitter Identification Method Based on Complex-Valued Neural Networks and Network Compression. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 39(8): 2305-2317 (2021).

[25] Jun Zeng, Jinlong Sun, Guan Gui, Bamidele Adebisi, Tomoaki Ohtsuki, Haris Gacanin, Hikmet Sari, Downlink CSI Feedback Algorithm With Deep Transfer Learning for FDD Massive MIMO Systems. IEEE Trans. Cogn. Commun. Netw. 7(4): 1253-1265 (2021).

[26] Wenjuan Shi, Yanjing Sun, Miao Liu, Hua Xu, Guan Gui, Tomoaki Ohtsuki, Bamidele Adebisi, Haris Gacanin, Fumiyuki Adachi, Joint UL/DL Resource Allocation for UAV-Aided Full-Duplex NOMA Communications. IEEE Trans. Commun. 69(12): 8474-8487 (2021)

[27] Yongjun Xu, Guan Gui, Tomoaki Ohtsuki, Haris Gacanin, Bamidele Adebisi, Hikmet Sari, Fumiyuki Adachi, Robust Resource Allocation for Two-Tier HetNets: An Interference-Efficiency Perspective. IEEE Trans. Green Commun. Netw. 5(3): 1514-1528 (2021).

[28] Yue Yin, Miao Liu, Guan Gui, Haris Gacanin, Hikmet Sari, Fumiyuki Adachi, Cross-Layer Resource Allocation for UAV-Assisted Wireless Caching Networks With NOMA. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 70(4): 3428-3438 (2021).

[29] Yue Xiu, Jun Zhao, Wei Sun, Marco Di Renzo, Guan Gui, Zhongpei Zhang, Ning Wei, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Aided mmWave NOMA: Joint Power Allocation, Phase Shifts, and Hybrid Beamforming Optimization. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 20(12): 8393-8409 (2021).

[30] Yibin Zhang, Jie Wang, Jinlong Sun, Bamidele Adebisi, Haris Gacanin, Guan Gui, Fumiyuki Adachi, CV-3DCNN: Complex-Valued Deep Learning for CSI Prediction in FDD Massive MIMO Systems. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 10(2): 266-270 (2021).

[31] Yongjun Xu, Zhijin Qin, Guan Gui, Haris Gacanin, Hikmet Sari, Fumiyuki Adachi, Energy Efficiency Maximization in NOMA Enabled Backscatter Communications With QoS Guarantee. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 10(2): 353-357 (2021).

[32] Yibin Zhang, Jinlong Sun, Guan Gui, Haris Gacanin, Hikmet Sari, A Generalized Channel Dataset Generator for 5G New Radio Systems Based on Ray-Tracing. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 10(11): 2402-2406 (2021).

[33] Ruijie Zhao, Jie Yin, Zhi Xue, Guan Gui, Bamidele Adebisi, Tomoaki Ohtsuki, Haris Gacanin, Hikmet Sari, An Efficient Intrusion Detection Method Based on Dynamic Autoencoder. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 10(8): 1707-1711 (2021).

[34] Weihao Hou, Jinlong Sun, Guan Gui, Tomoaki Ohtsuki, Ahmet M. Elbir, Haris Gacanin, Hikmet Sari, Federated Learning for DL-CSI Prediction in FDD Massive MIMO Systems. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 10(8): 1810-1814 (2021).

[35] Xuan Song, Jun Wang, Jie Wang, Guan Gui, Tomoaki Ohtsuki, Haris Gacanin, Hikmet Sari, SALDR: Joint Self-Attention Learning and Dense Refine for Massive MIMO CSI Feedback With Multiple Compression Ratio. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 10(9): 1899-1903 (2021).

[36] Yu Wang, Guan Gui, Haris Gacanin, Tomoaki Ohtsuki, Hikmet Sari, Fumiyuki Adachi, Transfer Learning for Semi-Supervised Automatic Modulation Classification in ZF-MIMO Systems. IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Circuits Syst. 10(2): 231-239 (2020).

[37] Xiaochuan Sun, Shuhao Ma, Yingqi Li, Duo Wang, Zhigang Li, Ning Wang, Guan Gui, Enhanced Echo-State Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Network Traffic Prediction. IEEE Internet Things J. 7(2): 1287-1297 (2020).