
姓  名: 隋永波 性  別: 导师类型: 硕士生导师
技术职称: 讲师 电子邮箱: suiyb@njupt.edu.cn
学术型硕士招生学科: (080800)电气工程
专业型硕士招生类别(领域): (085801)电气工程




[1] Yongbo Sui; Yigang He; Tongtong Cheng; Yuan Huang; Shuguang Ning ; Broad Echo State Network for Channel Prediction in MIMO-OFDM Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020, 69(11): 13383-13399
[2] Yongbo Sui; Hui Gao ; Modified echo state network for prediction of nonlinear chaotic time series, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, 110: 3581-3603
[3] Yongbo Sui; Hui Gao ; Adaptive echo state network based-channel prediction algorithm for the internet of things based on the IEEE 802.11ah standard, Telecommunication Systems, 2022, 81: 503-526
[4] Yongbo Sui; Yigang He; Wenxin Yu; Yan Li ; A hybrid strategy to control uncertain nonlinear chaotic system, Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26(10): 100503.1-9
[5] Yongbo Sui; Yigang He; Wenxin Yu; Yan Li ; Design and circuit implementation of a five‐dimensional hyperchaotic system with linear parameter, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2018, 46(8): 1503-115
[6] Yigang He; Yongbo Sui; Guolong Shi; Liulu He; Chaolong Zhang; Hui Shao ; Time Domain Channel Prediction Method and Time Domain Channel Prediction System for OFDM Wireless Communication System, 2022-7-5, 美国, US20211381442 B2
[7] Yigang He; Yongbo Sui; Liulu He; Chaolong Zhang ; Method and System for Selecting Important Delay Taps of Channel Impulse Response, 2022-4-19, 美国, US2021310083 B2
[8] Yigang He; Yongbo Sui; Guolong Shi; Liulu He; Hui Zhang; Chaolong Zhang ; Channel Prediction System and Channel Prediction Method for OFDM Wireless Communication System, 2021-9-14, 美国, US11121890 B2
[9] Yigang He; Yongbo Sui; Liulu He; Chaolong Zhang; Hui Shao ; Channel Prediction Method and System for MIMO Wireless Communication System, 2021-9-14, 美国, US11121788 B1