
姓  名: 谷平 性  別: 导师类型: 硕士生导师
技术职称: 副教授 电子邮箱: guping@njupt.edu.cn
学术型硕士招生学科: (080300)光学工程
专业型硕士招生类别(领域): (085400)电子信息




2006.9~2010.6     广州大学              物理学学士

2011.9~2016.6     南京大学              物理学博士(硕博连读)

2016.7~2018.8     南京大学工学院  博士后(材料科学与工程)


2018.9~至今       南京邮电大学       电子与光学工程学院(讲师)  






(1) 创新性发展了高品质等离激元微腔的制备新技术,解决了传统等离激元微腔制备所面临的技术难题,在等离激元微腔的光学性质、传感性能及与分子荧光的耦合效应等方面开展了多项原创性工作;

(2) 创新性地在光纤端面制备高质量的金属/介质微纳结构阵列,基于微纳结构支持的局域共振模式用作可饱和吸收体,成功实现了工作于1550 nm的调Q或锁模光纤脉冲激光的产生。

(3) 近年来在Advanced Materials, Photonics Research, Nanoscale, Carbon, Optical Express, Applied Physics Letters, Nanotechnology, Results in Physics, Applied Optics等国际/国内期刊发表高水平


论文近30 篇。



1Ultralarge Rabi splitting and broadband strong coupling in a spherical hyperbolic metamaterial cavity

Photonics Research 9, 829~838 (2021)

2Independently tunable double Fano-like resonances arising from the interference coupling of localized surface plasmons with waveguide modes

Results in Physics 25, 104218 (2021)


3Strong Magnetic Plasmon Resonance in a Simple Metasurface for High-Quality Sensing

IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 39, 4525-4528 (2021)

4Dielectric-loading approach for extra electric field enhancement and spatially transferring plasmonic hot-spots

Nanotechnology 32, 035205 (2021)


5High Sensing Properties of Magnetic Plasmon Resonance by Strong Coupling in Three-Dimensional Metamaterials

Journal of Lightwave Technology 39, 562 (2021)

6Perfect Absorption and Refractive-Index Sensing by Metasurfaces Composed of Cross-Shaped Hole Arrays in Metal Substrate

Nanomaterials 11, 63 (2021)


7Electrically modulating and switching infrared absorption of monolayer graphene in metamaterials

Carbon 162, 187-194 (2020)


8Graphene hybridized ultrahigh-Q high-order Fano resonance for nanoscale optical sensing

Applied Physics Express 13, 022013 (2020)

9Broadband, wide-angle, and polarization-insensitive enhancement of light absorption in monolayer graphene over whole visible spectrum

Results in Physics 18, 103134 (2020)


10Ultra-narrowband light absorption enhancement of monolayer graphene from waveguide mode

Optics Express 28, 24908 (2020)

11Rapid fabrication of high-quality bare silica monolayer and multilayers at the water/air interface

Results in Physics 19, 103404 (2020)

12Narrowband Light Reflection Resonances from Waveguide Modes for High-Quality Sensors

Nanomaterials 10, 1966 (2020)


13Two-dimensional hexagonal boron nitride as saturable absorber for a 1.5 µm passively Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser

Applied Optics 59, 11337 (2020)

14Graphene Multiple Fano Resonances Based on Asymmetric Hybrid Metamaterial

Nanomaterials 10, 2408 (2020)

15Precision Imprinted Nanostructural Wood

Advanced Materials 1903270, 1-7 (2019)

16Efficient Optical Reflection Modulation by Coupling Interband Transition of Graphene to Magnetic Resonance in Metamaterials

Nanoscale Research Letters 14, 391 (2019)


17High-performance metamaterial sensors based on strong coupling between surface plasmon polaritons and magnetic plasmon resonances

Results in Physics 14, 102397 (2019)

18Huge local magnetic field enhancement at optical frequencies in matematerials through coupling with photonic band gap


Results in Physics 15, 102693 (2019)


